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Episode 3: Should I invest in a Capsule Wardrobe?

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How Will A Capsule Wardrobe Help Me?

Today we are going to talk about Capsule Wardrobes. This is a topic that has blown up on DailyInspirato.com recently, and it’s something I’ve been talking about for a few months now, even years, on the site.

It’s not a new concept, and it’s certainly not my own concept, in fact, many people who have been resource-strapped in their lives will know a Capsule Wardrobe is a fancy way of saying that you have a limited number of clothes that all work together to create as many combinations of new looks as possible… It's a highly economic way to be stylish.

I think Capsule Wardrobes are really appealing right now for a few potential reasons.

For one, maybe you’ve gained weight since COVID… I know I have, and maybe you want a transitory wardrobe to bring you through as you shed some pounds, but you also want to appear stylish. Sizing up and buying a few pieces to create a Capsule Wardrobe can certainly do that for you.

Maybe you feel your wardrobe is tired and you want to start fresh, but don’t know exactly where to begin. A Capsule Wardrobe provides you with a list of basics that you can start from. We just got through a pandemic. It’s hot girl summer. We all want to look good, and I think a Capsule Wardrobe is just the ticket to get us there.

The concept of a Capsule Wardrobes does wonders for our Personal Style because they save us time, allow us to be more creative, give us a polished look, and make us feel more Clothing Confident, consistently. 

What is a Capsule Wardrobe?

A Capsule Wardrobe is a wardrobe containing 1) a few pieces, 2) that all work together and 3) are so classic, they will never go out of style. 

A Capsule Wardrobe is meant to carry you from season to season, while trendy pieces flow in and out. 

A Capsule Wardrobe is essentially a collection of great basics that every closet would benefit from. Think a good pair of jeans, a basic white t-shirt, some shoes you can comfortably wear each day. 

But while each person’s Capsule Wardrobe might contain similar basics, the overall Capsule Wardrobe is unique to the person because they will have their own Cut, Color, Cloth, and Comfort preferences… Capsule Wardrobes are unique to the individual's Dynamic Personal Style.

The concept of a Capsule Wardrobes does wonders for our Personal Style because they save us time, allow us to be more creative, and make us feel more Clothing Confident, consistently. 

10 Pieces You Need For A Capsule Wardrobe This Summer

Now, the number one thing people say they want is a shopping list for their Capsule Wardrobe. So, I’m going to go through what I think are the top essentials to look for in a Summer Capsule Wardrobe, but after we go through this list, I’m going to talk about a few considerations you might want to ponder before swiping your credit card.

  1. A good pair of shorts, or a skirt

  2. A dress

  3. A blouse

  4. A t-shirt

  5. A sweater/blazer/kimono, some sort of layer

  6. A jacket

  7. Tank top/spaghetti strap top

  8. Some athletic, you-can-walk-a-lot in these sneakers, and 

  9. Some going out/fancier shoes like a Chelsea boot

  10. ACCESSORIES - Accessories are what make our outfits feel different.. This is where personal preference really comes into play, though it’s difficult to go wrong with a scarf design you love and some basic gold jewelry.

Considerations For A Capsule Wardrobe

Before you go out shopping for that list, I have a few considerations for you: 

  1. The weather. Of course, if you’re in Northern Oregon, you might find that you need a pair of jeans thrown in there as opposed to shorts and a skirt. Texans on the other hand, shudder at the thought of jeans in 110 degree heat.

  2. With a Capsule Wardrobe, it’s so important to be thoughtful about your own unique 4Cs.

    1. For one, the Colors you choose need to go together. Within a Capsule Wardrobe, it’s best to have a pop of color with one or two pieces, but leave the rest of the colors neutral. Let the accessories do the talking. Since you’ll be wearing these pieces frequently, you want to make sure they’re functional in as many outfit combos as possible. 

    2. With Cut, you want to make sure the pieces are layerable and mix and matchable. What do I mean by that? I’ll give you an example. Bell sleeves, which I love, are NOT easy to layer. Putting on a jacket with a bell sleeve is a special kind of hell. A bell sleeve blouse is fun, but not a great basic for a Capsule Wardrobe because it doesn’t easily mix and match with layers. 

    3. For Cloth, choose materials that are high quality, natural and soft on the skin. Gravitate towards cotton, silks, and wool. Pick cloth types that are easy to clean often (maybe skip the Dry Clean Only pieces).

    4. For Comfort, I chose the basics that work for your daily life. How much will you be sitting, and how flexible do these pieces need to be? Spandex in the skirt waistline?

    5. Knowing your 4Cs will help focus you on the basics that will work for your Capsule Wardrobe.

  3. Never underestimate the power of a scarf, belts, jewelry, hats, makeup, new hairstyles, glasses, etc. Accessories are your lifeblood to make a Capsule feel fresh. 

  4. Oh, and on that same note,  once you have your capsule wardrobe down, you can incorporate a few trends that will pop in your capsule wardrobe because they have the space to stand out. I bought some bright pink, leader loafers and they are the star of each outfit. Will I carry them season to season? Likely not, but they’re fun for this summer


& by the way, for those of you thinking a Capsule Wardrobe means you have to invest in really great stuff, don’t forget the power of thrifting!

“Investment” doesn’t equate to expensive, it equates to quality.

I find “investment” pieces in thrift stores for $2 – $4. A wool blazer from the 80s has lasted 40 years; it’s going to last another 40. With a Capsule, it is smart to go with materials and high end craftsmanship because the idea is that you buy it and hold onto it, so get the best materials and brands you can.